
Behavioral Health Respite

Behavioral Health Respite services provide a short-term break for the caregiver of a child or adolescent. Each session will last approximately 2-3 hours, providing caregivers with an opportunity to have some time to themselves while the youth is in a safe and nurturing environment. While your child is in the supervision of Applewood staff, they will enjoy engaging activities in the community.

How It Works

  • Provides short-term respite services to families enrolled in OhioRISE Services are scheduled in advance and are guided by each family’s care plan Transportation to and from activities will be provided
    Offers on and off campus activities
  • Services provided by staff that have extensive experience working with youth All referrals must be made by an OhioRISE Care Coordinator

Schedule Your Respite

  • Behavioral Health Respite service sessions must be scheduled in advance.
  • Each session lasts approximately 2-3 hours.
  • Please provide 24 hours’ notice for any cancellations or change in plans.

To qualify for this service, you must be enrolled in Medicaid’s OhioRISE program and must receive a referral from your care coordinator.

Referral Form